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We Are Legion!
Anonymous: The Hacker Wars Documentary

There is a war going on online that many us just do not know about! It’s the battle between hackers, world governments and corporations. The powers that be are trying their best to keep the masses deaf, dumb and blind to all of fuckery they are doing. After watching this very informative and entertaining documentary, Anonymous: The Hacker Wars, I knew I had to do feature about it ASAP! On a personal level, I see many – but not all – hackers as modern day freedom fighters for social justice both online and off. It is the “hackers” who expose the insidious behavior of the government in the land of the apathetic, and warn us that we live in lands where freedom is an illusion. Watch this documentary and post a comment – I would love to hear what you have to say about governments – public servants, our “employees” – hiding their real activities from us. I can’t help but wonder while I’m watching this if I’m being watched through my web cam…

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